Outside Revamp of New House

Hey Friends!

Josh and I have been busy bees - we have a lot to do to update the house, but nothing beats a big deadline such as making your outside landscaping perfect for Josh’s mom’s wedding this past summer! We ended up picking all weeds, putting new dirt down, new mulch, and planting some fresh flowers. We also created a cute space with the pergola Josh built for our wedding in ur backyard. However, recent wind storms from the tornado that affected so many in KY took down our pergola, so I don’t have a finished photo of that yet. Josh also built his own garden in the back corner of our backyard this summer too! For his first time, it was pretty successful, but he learned a lot and plans to continue the garden next summer!

Before - black mulch:

And after - cedar mulch:

Before & After of Rental Property


I have to brag on my hubby for this whole post - as our first home we bought a foreclosure and he saw a vision and I had not.. yet. I could only see how terrible it looked, but he saw more. We had to buy a foreclosure as it was the only thing we could get with his zero credit history and how much we were making at the time. He pretty much did everything himself minus the plumbing and some of the electrical work. His dad helped us by doing the drywall, Josh did some of the finishing work of the drywall, he did some of the electrical work, and pretty much anything else that was needed. The only thing I really did was paint most of the house. Josh did pretty much everything else. And let me tell ya - it looks amazing now! It was a project of love, but so worth it in the end! We ended up turning it into a rental property now that we have moved onto a bigger home in preparation for when we want to have kids.

I will show you before photos first.

And now, for the better after version.

We bought a house!!!

Guys! Super exciting announcement! In July of 2020 we closed on our new HOUSE! We honestly bought it in preparation of having kids. Before you get excited… I honestly don’t know when we will start having kids but this is a big first step! We have a ton of work to do to it to make it totally ours, but we love it and are so excited! I will try to post more as we go along with our projects. Right now our main focus is finishing our old house so we can list it for rent!
